Hurricane Janet 1955-Sarteneja Village
Hurricane Janet 1955-Sarteneja
Sixty two years ago on September 28th,
1955 Hurricane Janet made landfall in Northern Belize. The thatch roof farming community that is now
Sarteneja was turned to rubble by this category 5 monster hurricane. Most of
the villagers found refuge in the Catholic Primary School (the old school
building) and not the church as it was thought. Testimonies revealed that
villagers weren’t allowed to shelter in the Catholic Church as they were considered
sinners by Mr. Aragon. The Aragon family was the only family who used the
church as a shelter that night. Later on that night the stone wall church was
hammered and turned to rubble taking away the life a baby. The Aragon family
had to run to the primary school building where the villagers-sinners were. The
Corozal Bay took over and flooded the peninsula up to 5 ft. deep leaving
villagers swimming in the building. Children were placed on the attic while
parents had to swim for their lives.
Janet was one of the most powerful
hurricanes in history of the world and Sarteneja witnessed the destruction of
this monster hurricane. Sarteneja Peninsula’s vegetation was completely
devastated and it took several years to recover. Hurricane Janet was so
powerful that made a complete island disappear. Cayo Bagre as it was called was
located a few miles north east of Sarteneja village. Today the island is just a
pile of rock under the water.
Bagre was technically washed away by Hurricane Janet. Many books dating before
1955 shows an island northeast of Sarteneja. After the 1955 the island was
removed from the maps.
The Catholic
Primary School Building was the only building left standing after Hurricane Janet,
everything else including the stone wall church and water reservoir were
After Hurricane Janet many Maya Temples were destroyed
and used as stone mines to build over 60 stone wall houses.
Old Primary School Building
Catholic Church turned to ruins by Janet
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